How To Get Into Tech In 2024

Welcome to the exciting world of technology, where possibilities are endless, and innovation is the name of the game.

If you’ve ever been intrigued by the idea of diving into the tech industry but didn’t know where to start, you’re in the right place.

In this beginner’s guide, I will walk you through the essential steps to kickstart your journey into the ever-evolving world of tech.

Let’s get started with the first step.

Define Your Path in Tech

Remember, technology is always growing and is a big part of businesses. The CompTIA Tech Jobs Report shows that there are more and more jobs in the tech industry, giving you lots of opportunities to explore. Don’t lost in these oppurtinties, Before diving in, take some time to understand the vast landscape of the tech industry.

To start, grab a pen and paper, and first write down your interests, goals, and desires. As you write, be honest with yourself. Delve deeply into your thoughts to gain a clear understanding of what you truly want. 

For instance, consider someone passionate about UI design with the goal of establishing a career as a UI Designer. Their objective is to explore diverse facets of user interface design without feeling overwhelmed and to make a positive impact through their work. In this scenario, UI design is the passion, establishing a career as a UI Designer is the goal, and maintaining a balanced life between personal interests and work is the overarching desire.

Now, research various roles in the tech industry related to UI design. Note the responsibilities and required skills for each role. This process will help you identify areas that align with your interests and goals, enabling you to discover what excites you the most.

Applying this to the example above:

  • Possible Fields: UI Designer, UX Researcher, Interaction Designer


  • Create visually appealing and intuitive user interfaces for websites or applications.
  • Conduct user research to understand user needs and preferences.
  • Collaborate with cross-functional teams to design and implement user-centered solutions.

Required Skills:

  • Proficiency in UI design tools such as Sketch, Figma, or Adobe XD.
  • Understanding of user experience principles and design thinking.
  • Effective communication and collaboration skills with other team members.

Skill Development

In the tech industry, skills often hold equal or greater value than formal education. Begin by acquiring foundational skills relevant to your chosen field. The internet offers a plethora of resources, including paid courses on platforms like Coursera and Udemy, as well as free courses on YouTube and blogs.

Explore skill-specific communities on platforms such as Stack Overflow for software development or Dribbble for UI design. Active engagement in these communities can provide valuable insights and networking opportunities.

While formal education is not always mandatory, it can be beneficial if it aligns with your goals. A degree in a related field can offer a structured learning experience and open doors to specific job opportunities.

Don’t stress about formal education; focus on skill development. For example, according to a Stack Overflow survey, 69.1% of developers participated in some form of formal education. However, 90.1% of developers taught themselves new skills without taking a formal course.

Hands-On Experience:

Theory is crucial, but hands-on experience is equally valuable. Create personal projects to apply your knowledge and build a portfolio.

Doing personal projects is like opening doors to new interests outside of school or work. It lets you dive into specific areas, try out the latest technologies, and show off your own way of thinking making your portfolio more interesting

When it comes to presenting your projects, Websites like Github, Behance, Dribbble, or even your own personal site are great places to show off your projects. When you share your work on these sites, more people, including recruiters and colleagues, can see what you can do and how skilled you are. It’s like putting a spotlight on your talents and expertise.

Networking in the Tech Community

Networking is a powerful tool in any industry, and tech is no exception. Attend meetups, conferences, and webinars related to your field of interest. Engaging with professionals, both online and offline, can provide valuable insights, mentorship opportunities, and even job leads.

When it comes to networking, LinkedIn is the most valuable platform to extend your network.

LinkedIn is a professional networking platform designed for individuals and businesses to connect with each other. It serves as a digital resume, allowing users to showcase their professional experience, skills, education, and achievements.

You can easily create a LinkedIn account not only for networking but also to present yourself, explore new connections for inspiration, and even land a new job.

You are not limited with LinkedIn. There are also a lof of platforms out there. Depending on your interest, Github, Meetup,, Slack Communities, Tech Conferences, and Reddit are good place for your network.

Resume Building and Job Hunting

Now that you’ve completed half of the process by following the steps above, it’s time to create a  resume. This resume should showcase your skills, projects, and accomplishments. Nexy, look for job openings on websites, company pages, and professional networks. When applying, customize your resume for each job, highlighting how your skills match what the job needs.

If you receive a rejection on your resume, it means the company decided not to hire you for the job. Don’t get discouraged. Instead, use it as an opportunity to learn and improve. Ask for feedback if possible and consider refining your resume or gaining additional skills. Keep applying to other opportunities and stay positive – rejection is a normal part of the job search process.

Continuous Learning

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced professional in the field, continuous learning is essential. The technology industry undergoes rapid evolution, making a commitment to lifelong learning crucial.

To stay current, keep yourself informed about industry trends, new technologies, and emerging best practices. Utilize online platforms, blogs, and podcasts as excellent resources for staying updated.


Embarking on a tech journey may seem daunting at first, but with the right mindset and a strategic approach, you can navigate this dynamic landscape successfully. Remember, the tech community is vast and welcoming, and your passion and dedication will set you on a path to a rewarding and fulfilling career in technology. Good luck!

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