Typography hierarchy refers to the way visual elements, primarily text, are arranged to show their relative importance. It’s basically a system for guiding the reader’s eye to the most important information first, then to supporting details.
Think of it like a newspaper headline. The giant text at the top screams “This is the main story!”, while the smaller text below provides more context. In typography, you achieve this effect using various tools:
- Font size: Bigger fonts grab attention, so headlines are usually larger than body text.
- Font weight: Bold fonts appear heavier and more important than regular weight fonts.
- Font style: Italics or underlines can add emphasis, but use them sparingly for true important info.
- Color: Using a contrasting color for headings can make them stand out.
- Spacing: White space around elements creates a clear separation between important sections.
By using these tools together, you create a clear hierarchy that makes your text easy to read and understand. This is important for any kind of written content, from websites and presentations to posters and magazines.